W3C FAQ on DRM and HTML5 ?!

I just noticed that there is W3C FAQ page on HTML5 which contains an
answer regarding DRM which is not consensus (as the discussion in the
HTML WG in the recent weeks has demonstrated). See below.

Accoding to the history of that page this QA was added on 16 November
2010 by user "Plehegar" (that seems to be Philippe Le Hégaret).

I strongly suggest that the W3C modifies that answer. While it is
only(?) a Wiki page it looks somewhat official  ...


Question: Is dealing with DRM in scope for HTML5?

[Answer:] If enough stakeholders want to standardise some aspect of
handling DRM in HTML5 itself as part of the inclusion of video and audio
media, then it makes sense for W3C to help standardise an approach which
meets the needs of the market. However like all W3C work, relevant
stakeholders need to be and show they are committed to developing it
rather than expecting it to happen on its own.


Received on Sunday, 4 March 2012 18:19:31 UTC