Re: CR exit criteria and features at risk for HTML5

On Sat, Aug 18, 2012 at 11:41 AM, Boris Zbarsky <> wrote:

> On 8/17/12 11:36 PM, Glenn Adams wrote:
>> On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 12:30 AM, Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis
>>     Formally reference it for what purpose?
>> Does it matter? Basically, formally reference it in the normative
>> reference sections of their standards/specifications.
> It does matter.  In particular, it matters whether the parts of HTML being
> referenced are the ones that match reality or not...

if there are components of HTML5 that are in risk of running ahead or
averse of reality, then they should be marked as "at risk" in CR and should
be evaluated for removal prior to REC, but that is the standard process for
moving to REC is it not?

Received on Saturday, 18 August 2012 03:48:45 UTC