Re: interface for providing public comments on last call working drafts

On 23/05/11 18:09, Leif Halvard Silli wrote:
> 1) open up Bugzilla's ability to take e-mail input - at least from 
> members of W3. (This could, perhaps, be counted as "an additional front 
> end".)
> 2) edit the e-mail templates of Bugzilla so they are more accessible

As a Bugzilla developer I can confirm that this is entirely possible.
(The language is Template Toolkit -

> 5) for message from public-html, there is an archived-at: URL header, 
> which allows easy access to the online version, if that version for 
> some reason is more accessible. However, for messages from bugzilla, 
> there is no such archived-at: header (unless the message is also sent 
> to another list than public-html-bugzilla - e.g. if a copy is sent to 
> public-a11y@)

If such a header could be calculated programmatically by Bugzilla,
adding it to the email is also simply a matter of editing the templates.


Received on Monday, 23 May 2011 19:32:34 UTC