Re: HTML5 Authoring Conformance Study

On Sun, Mar 21, 2010 at 3:01 PM, Maciej Stachowiak <> wrote:
> On Mar 21, 2010, at 12:57 PM, Shelley Powers wrote:
>> On the other hand, I can imagine it will be a frequent desire for
>>  otherauthors to check that they have not used any presentational markup.
>> Many developers choose to use all CSS for styling, and would like a tool to
>> help enforce that.
> I find that View->Source and using Edit->Find works well in finding things
> in a page.
> Is that really a tool you would recommend for finding all use of
> presentational elements and attributes, and to use repeatedly while
> maintaining a page? Or to check that a large team of Web developers are all
> following policy on this? Do you think it would be an improvement over the
> HTML4/XHTML1 solution for this (separate Strict doctype that bans
> presentational markup)?
> Regards,
> Maciej

Evidently you found my answer to be humorous.  Sorry, I'll try to be
more ponderous in my responses from now on, to match the tone of these

Whatever you and Sam work out between you, one point is clear: if
there's content in the HTML5 that exists without a decent rationale
for its existence, don't be surprised if it's existence is challenged.

I look forward to Sam's response to this item when it becomes an
issue. Hopefully you won't find it amusing.


Received on Monday, 22 March 2010 04:34:24 UTC