ISSUE-90 background documentation on allowing any flow content in figure

The rationale for the editor declining bug 8404 is[1]:

Rationale: I actually agree with Shelley on this, and that's what HTML5 used to
say. However, it is one of the very few topics which got a _huge_ outcry from
Web authors around the Web, demanding that <figure> be allowed to contain
basically any flow content (including sections, headings, paragraphs, lists,
etc). That's why the spec says what it does now.

I searched through WhatWG and HTML WG email lists, and I didn't see
any significant pushback on the original definition of figure. Most of
the objections seemed to be attached to the bug, not in any email

I want my change proposal to be as comprehensive and complete as
possible. Can either the editor or other folks please provide a link
to the threads representing the "huge outcry" from web authors? It
doesn't have to be all, just a few links to some of the more telling
arguments. Or perhaps the editor can link the email thread that caused
him to change his mind.



Received on Sunday, 21 March 2010 22:07:58 UTC