Re: Differences between the W3C and WHATWG specifications

On Friday, June 18, 2010, Laura Carlson <> wrote:
> If the
> goal is true convergence, we need to eliminate all differences and
> have one spec.
> I guess a fundamental question is: can decisions made via the decision
> policy apply not only for the HTMLWG but also for WHATWG? Ian, do you
> foresee that as a possibility? If that can happen we have a solution.
> Two specs are not needed.

The two groups have different charters and different decision making
processes.  Hoping for true convergence is therefore optimistic at
best.  The working groups should come together to define what
"convergence" realistically means and work from there.


Received on Sunday, 20 June 2010 15:33:44 UTC