Re: some conformance questions

"Steven Faulkner" <> wrote:

> what are the use cases for a single cell data table?
>  <table>
> <tr>
>  <td>1</td>
> </tr>
> </table>

> under what circumstances does it make sense for a page with only a
> heading
> to be considered conforming?

> Under what circumstances does it make sense for a page without any
> content
> in the body and no content in the title to be considered conforming?

> Under what circumstances does it make sense for a list with no content
> to be
> considered conforming?

I realize you are posting questions to make a point to Hixie, but I'll respond to these anyway:

A presentation by Daniel Glazman at XTech 2006 convinced me that empty structures should be valid. Letting them be valid makes it easier to develop editors that maintain validity at each editing operation and don't allow invalid intermediate states.

Henri Sivonen

Received on Thursday, 17 June 2010 13:28:52 UTC