Re: Proposal: Canvas accessibility and a media querries approach for alternative content (Action Item 6 in the HTML Accessibility Task Force)

Steven Faulkner wrote:
> basing the drawing of focus rings only for keyboard users does not resolve
> the issue for  a range of users who use a mouse, but benefit from the viusal
> cue of the focus ring , telling users you must use the keyboard to get the
> focus ring is not really an option.
> focus is drawn on most elements in browsers and on the desktop, when an
> element receives focus not just for keyboard users.

If the author wants the focus ring to be drawn on objects that are 
clicked on the canvas, then I believe the script would be able to call 
element.focus() on the corresponding element, which would trigger the 
onfocus event, which could then repaint the canvas with an appropriate 
focus ring.  So it is possible to do what you're saying, but it does 
require the script author to take the appropriate steps to achieve it.

Lachlan Hunt - Opera Software

Received on Wednesday, 20 January 2010 16:42:34 UTC