Re: The harm that can come if the W3C supports publication of competing specs

Aryeh Gregor wrote:
> Of course not.  I'm one volunteer developer, and what I say is only my
> own opinion.  However, further questions about MediaWiki development
> should go to wikitech-l or to me privately, and I won't answer them
> here -- I doubt most of the subscribers to this list are interested.

Actually, as far as deploying HTML5 features is the top, I'm *very* 
interested. We need that perspective, and we don't get enough of that.

> ...
> Better to have basic video out there now so we can start chipping away
> at Flash video's market share ASAP, than to put it off an extra year
> to make sure it's better.  Same for localStorage, same for all the
> major new features that are essential for doing key things in a
> standard way.  A mediocre standard is better than no standard, because
> with no standard you're giving a lot more room for proprietary
> technologies to grow.
> ...

I disagree with that. In many cases, no standard at all is better than a 
mediocre standard. The mediocre standard might prevent a better standard 
to be defined and deployed later on.

> ...

Best regards, Julian

Received on Monday, 18 January 2010 21:24:54 UTC