Re: Issue 83 Change Proposal - caption attribute

Le 13 janv. 2010 à 15:57, Tab Atkins Jr. a écrit :
> <figure><img src=foo><time caption
> datetime=2010-01-11>January 11th, 2010</time></figure> is preferable
> to <figure><img src=foo><caption><time datetime=2010-01-11>January
> 11th, 2010</time></caption></figure>

That means

       <img src="foo" alt="something foo"/>
       <time caption="caption" datetime="2010-01-11">
          January 11th, 2010

> 1. Figure content model should be changed to "Flow Content".

What does it solve to make it flow content?

> 4. "caption" added to the list of global attributes in the "Global
> Attributes" section.

What does that mean to have for example:

   <img caption="caption" src="foo" alt="something foo"/>
   <footer caption="caption">…</footer>
   <noscript caption="caption">…</noscript>

Strange no?

> The caption attribute is invalid and
> has no effect on any element that is not a direct child of a figure
> element.

It seems a lot of trouble to make a global attribute for only one construct. 

I could see something like

       <img src="foo" alt="something foo" id="linkme"/>
       <time for="linkme" datetime="2010-01-11">
          January 11th, 2010

which would give the freedom to have the title for the figure in the flow but also elsewhere.

    On <time for="linkme" datetime="2010-01-11">January 11th,
    2010</time>, there was a wonderful thing happening.

       <img src="foo" alt="something foo" id="linkme"/>

If we go the way of an element, which I don't like very much, there are many possibilities. I'm a bit worried with the figcaption or alike because they restrict the element to one specific context and encourage markupbesity.

       <img src="foo" alt="something foo"/>
       <heading>Awesome title for the image</heading>


       <img src="foo" alt="something foo"/>
       <desc>Awesome title for the image</desc>


       <img src="foo" alt="something foo"/>
       <cartouche>Awesome title for the image</cartouche>


       <img src="foo" alt="something foo"/>
       <gloss>Awesome title for the image</gloss>

Karl Dubost
Montréal, QC, Canada

Received on Friday, 15 January 2010 23:44:43 UTC