Re: ISSUE-93 (details): Return Details Element [HTML 5 spec]

Maciej Stachowiak <>, 2010-01-08 12:23 -0800:

>  On Jan 8, 2010, at 11:54 AM, Jonas Sicking wrote:
> >
> > 2. cc'ing the public-html list in bugzilla does not work.
> >
> > Yes, there are other instances when bugzilla sends emails to the
> > public-html list. Such as when the "NE" keyword is added to a bug.
> > This does not however change the fact that adding public-html to the
> > cc list in bugzilla does not yield the expected results of public-html
> > receiving emails for subsequent comments added to bug.
>  This does indeed seem to be a bug in our bugzilla setup and we should get it 
>  fixed. In this case, I don't think it would have constructively increased 
>  notice to the Working Group (since the initial email when it was tagged NE 
>  would have been the only one), but it is something we should fix for the 
>  future.

It's not a bug. It's the way I intentionally set up the e-mail
preferences for the user in our bugzilla;

As far as I understand bugzilla, the Cc field in bugzilla does not
allow arbitrary addresses (not in the W3C instance at least). It
only allows account/user names -- which happen to also be in the
form of e-mail addresses.

So from bugzilla's perspective, is a bugzilla
account name with a set of preferences associated with it,
including preferences about what kind of e-mail notifications
should be sent to it. And I currently have it configured to
explicitly only send e-mail notifications for that account when
their is a change to the content of the keyword field of a bug for
which it's in the Cc field.

As far as I can see, there is no way that we can tell bugzilla,
per-bug, to send e-mail to a particular address when a comment
gets added -- but not to send it when a comment gets added to a
different bug. We can instead only tell bugzilla to send mail to
that address each time a comment is added to *any* bug the account
is subscribed to. It seems to all or nothing as far as comments go.

If we want to allow anybody to arbitrarily choose bugs that they
think should get comment-added notifications
for, then I would need to remove from all
existing bugs, and just leave it up to people to re-add to the Cc field when they think the list should
start getting all the comments for a particular bug.

But I don't think it would be a good idea to do that. Even if
bugzilla operated differently, I don't think in general that it
would be prudent to provide a mechanism that allows people to
arbitrarily start having the list receive comment notifications
for particular bugs. 


Michael(tm) Smith

Received on Saturday, 9 January 2010 04:03:59 UTC