Re: CfC: Publish HTML5 Microdata as First Public Working Draft and a new HTML5 Working Draft

Hi Krzysztof,

Although Working Draft publications do not require consensus, I  
encourage you to consider withdrawing this objection for the following  

- Working Draft publications do not have to have consensus and do not  
even have to meet requirements. Thus, your specific technical concern  
that Microdata should be made usable outside HTML need not block  
publication as a Working Draft. The right way to handle it would be to  
raise this technical issue separately, e.g. in the bug tracker.
- The HTML WG charter specifically calls for us to include extension  
mechanisms: "The HTML WG is encouraged to provide a mechanism to  
permit independently developed vocabularies ... to be mixed into HTML  
documents." Microdata is one way to mix in such vocabularies.
- There is precedent for this Working Group to publish a separate  
Working Draft that a potentially general extension mechanism to HTML,  
namely HTML+RDFa. No one objected to that publication on the basis of  
being out of charter, insufficiently general, or done in the wrong  
Working Group, either before or after publication.

(No need to comment further if you stand by your objection.)


On Jan 8, 2010, at 1:21 PM, Krzysztof Maczyński wrote:

> I oppose publishing HTML5 Microdata as an FPWD. The course of action  
> I'd prefer would be to publish a Microdata spec usable outside HTML,  
> perhaps with an appendix describing specific additional requirements  
> (as few as possible) for HTML integration (or a separate spec,  
> following the example of RDFa in XHTML). I believe this WG is  
> neither capable (mainly because of the Editor's unwillingness) nor  
> chartered (and accurately so) to do the former. If the RDFa WG  
> follows up with such a draft (most likely in the form of RDFa 1.1  
> taking into account the advantages of Microdata), we may investigate  
> the possibility to build on this.
> Regarding a new WD of HTML,
>> I support publication
>> of a new HTML5 Working Draft solely to stop Wikipedians from trying  
>> to
>> move [[HTML5]] back to [[HTML 5]] based on a months-old Working Draft
>> that uses a space in the name.  ;)
> (Aryeh Gregor)
> I'd like to ask for the rationale of this change.
> Best regards,
> Krzysztof Maczyński

Received on Saturday, 9 January 2010 01:13:37 UTC