Re: Browser implementations, prior to rec, used for justification

Henri Sivonen wrote:
> ...
> The "held back" and "turning off the brain" rhetoric doesn't change the situation that authors would face.
> The fact of the matter is that a browser with a relatively high market share buffers more with autobuffer='off' or autobuffer='false' than when the attribute is absent. Thus, changing the spec to say that autobuffer='off' must not autobuffer, would not give authors the ability to turn buffering off, since specifying the attribute would have the effect of buffering more--not less--as long as the browser release in question has an installed base.
> It's one thing to refine a feature slightly but in the same general direction. It's quite another to mint syntax that has the exact opposite effect from what is desired in deployed software.
> ...

If Firefox was updated to understand the new syntax in a dot release for 
3.6, this doesn't appear to be a big problem...

BR, Julian

Received on Tuesday, 5 January 2010 12:55:19 UTC