Re: HTML5 Recommendation document review comments

Don Brutzman wrote:
> [...]

have entered bugs individually in tracker.  links follow.

> ========================================
> Didn't see any document metadata via <meta> tags inside the
> document itself.
> Could also add a <link> entry providing a document icon, which is
> helpful in tabbed browsers.

> ========================================
> About 2 dozen minor Tidy warnings shown by Mozilla that could be
> cleaned up.

> ========================================
> General comment:  numerous elements and algorithms
> describe state and state transitions.
> It would be helpful to produce state transition diagrams for
> each of these.  Additionally such diagrams will likely reveal
> potential problems (state unreachability, transition ambiguity,
> etc.) in the corresponding prose descriptions.

> ========================================
> 2.4.3 Keywords and enumerated attributes
> "In addition, two default states can be given.
>   The first is the <i>invalid value default</i>, the second
>   is the <i>missing value default</i>."
> The two italicized terms are not tagged as defined.

> ========================================
> 2.4.3 Keywords and enumerated attributes
> "Note:  The empty string can be a valid keyword."
> This statement doesn't make much sense since an
> empty string is not a word per se, and so it can't be
> a keyword either.  Further, an empty string isn't
> allowed as an enumeration value in XML Schema
> enumeration lists, so it is not clear how to
> represent it in such a context.
> Presumably an empty string might be a way of changing
> the value of a nillable attribute which otherwise has
> an originally defined default value.
> Perhaps better phrasing is
> "Note:  The empty string can be a valid attribute value
> for determining state in this context."

> ========================================
> 3.1.4 DOM tree accessors
> Should there be an inset box for
>         document . html
> similar to
>         document . head
>         etc.

> ========================================
> 3.2.1 Semantics
> change underlined _and_ to _or_ as follows:
> "Authors must not use elements, attributes, _and_ attribute values
> that are not permitted by this specification or other applicable
> specifications."
> becomes
> "Authors must not use elements, attributes, _or_ attribute values
> that are not permitted by this specification or other applicable
> specifications."

> ========================================
> The lang and xml:lang attributes
> A few paragraphs appear to have extraneous <hr> elements
> inserted before the <p>, which makes vertical spacing inconsistent.

> ========================================
> The dir attribute
> Displayed text directionality is explained for HTML but not for
> SVG and MathML, which is somewhat inconsistent with some other
> sections (such as discussion of document title in section 3.1.4,
> DOM tree accessors).  Should further prose be added?

> ========================================
> Interactive content
> Wondering why svg and math elements are not listed under this section
> for interactive content?  If so, add links to the list of relevant
> elements.

> ========================================
> Transparent content models
> The use of "transparent" in this context is different than that used
> for rendering SVG or other objects.  For X3D, a scene's background color
> may be transparent in order to allow the HTML bgcolor to be shown.
> Suggest considering another term for transparent (e.g. "replacable"
> or somesuch) in the context of this section in order to avoid
> name collisions and reader confusion.

> ========================================
> Paragraphs
> The following sentence is included:
> "Conformance checkers may warn authors of cases where they have
> paragraphs that overlap each other (this can happen with object,
> video, audio, and canvas elements)."
> Can this paragraph-overlap problem also happen with embed, svg and
> math elements?

> ========================================
> 3.3 APIs in HTML documents
> states
>         Element.tagName and Node.nodeName
>         These attributes must return element names converted to
>         ASCII _uppercase_, regardless of the case with which they
>         were created.
> and then
>         The canonical form of HTML markup is all-lowercase;
> also in section 3.3 APIs in HTML documents
>         when looking at HTML elements, the argument must first be
>         converted to ASCII lowercase
> This seems inconsistent.  Should the first _uppercase_ instead be lowercase?

> ========================================
> 4.4.3 The nav element
> "Div element" should be plural in paragraph beginning
>         Notice the div element being used
> i.e. change to
>         Notice the div elements being used

> ========================================
> 4.4.8 The header element
> Is it appropriate to say something like
>         The header can also be included at the top of each
>         corresponding page when printing an HTML document.

> ========================================
> 4.4.9 The footer element
> Similarly is it appropriate to say something like
>         The footer can also be included at the bottom of each
>         corresponding page when printing an HTML document.

> ========================================
> 4.5.2 The hr element
> Append something like the following to opening sentence:
>         The term hr refers to a horizontal rule, i.e.
>         a line which runs across the page.

> ========================================
> 4.5.5 The blockquote element
> This section ends with
>         "Note:  Examples of how to represent a conversation are
>         shown below; it is not appropriate to use the cite and
>         blockquote elements for this purpose."
> However no examples are found there.

> ========================================
> 4.7.5 Edits and lists
> next-to-last line entry in example needs </li> appended, i.e.
> change
>         <li><ins>Purple</ins>
> to
>         <li><ins>Purple</ins></li>

> ========================================
> 9.1.1 The DOCTYPE
> for paragraph
>         Note:  In other words, <!DOCTYPE HTML SYSTEM "about:legacy-compat">
>         or <!DOCTYPE HTML SYSTEM 'about:legacy-compat'>, case-insensitively
>         except for the bit in quotes.
> Change
>         except for the bit in quotes.
> to
>         except for the bit in single or double quotes.

> ========================================
> 9.1.4 Character references
> Draft document sayeth:
>         "An ambiguous ampersand is a U+0026 AMPERSAND character (&)
>         that is followed by some text other than a space character,
>         a U+003C LESS-THAN SIGN character (<), or another
>         U+0026 AMPERSAND character (&)."
> probably should insert 2nd line as follows
>         An ambiguous ampersand is a U+0026 AMPERSAND character (&)
>         that is not a valid character reference, and

> ========================================
> 9.1.5 CDATA sections
> A brief example would be helpful.

> ========================================
> Again am happy to resubmit these as individual bugs if preferred for
> precise issue tracking.  Again TIA for all review.


all the best, Don
Don Brutzman  Naval Postgraduate School, Code USW/Br 
Watkins 270   MOVES Institute, Monterey CA 93943-5000 USA  work +1.831.656.2149
X3D, virtual worlds, underwater robots, XMSF

Received on Sunday, 3 January 2010 22:09:11 UTC