Re: Change Proposal for Issue 110 ("Change Control for text/html-sandboxed media type")

On 04/15/2010 11:49 AM, Julian Reschke wrote:
> On 15.04.2010 17:45, Sam Ruby wrote:
>> On 04/15/2010 11:32 AM, Julian Reschke wrote:
>>> On 15.04.2010 17:21, Sam Ruby wrote:
>>>> ..
>>>> If you like, you can submit separate change proposals, but each must
>>>> specify an actual proposal, and not a list of things that need to be
>>>> solved or investigated.
>>>> ...
>>> Ok, did so by removing the paragraph mentioning the alternative
>>> approach:
>> [snip]
>>> Make the specified change controllers consistent.
>> That removes the item to be investigated, but leaves the item to be
>> solved.
>> A change proposal must make an actual proposal. What do you propose the
>> change controller for text/html to be? What do you propose that the
>> change controller for text/html-sandboxed be? And why do you make that
>> specific proposal?
> The proposal is to make them consistent. Currently one says "W3C", and
> the other says "WHATWG". Are you saying the Change Proposal needs to
> pick one of those?

I pointed to the requirements previously, but now I will simply quote them:

   * A set of edit instructions, specific enough that they can be
     applied without ambiguity.
   * Spec text for a draft to be published separate from HTML5
     (though such a draft can be proposed at any time without a
     Change Proposal).
   * Exact spec text for the sections to be changed, and a
     baseline revision for the version of the spec being changed.
   * With prior permission from the chairs, a high-level prose
     description of the changes to be made.

If you like, submit multiple proposals, each of which specifies a 
consistent set of change controllers (W3C, WHATWG, OASIS, Julian 
Rescke's cat, should you happen to have one), but yes, any one given 
change proposal needs to be specific and justify why that specific 
choice was made.

> Also, I'm not clear what additional rational is needed. I explained why
> I think they should be consistent. I think the question what the change
> controller for text/html should be was already discussed and resolved.

Citing that discussion could support the choice that you make.

>> ...
> Best regards, Julian

- Sam Ruby

Received on Thursday, 15 April 2010 16:02:23 UTC