[minutes] 2010-04-01 HTML Teleconference

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W3C HTML Weekly Teleconference 01 Apr 2010



See also: IRC log


     Paul Cotton
     Sam Ruby


     * Topics
          1. Issues Pending Review
          2. ACTION items due by Thu Apr 1
          3. ACTION items pending review
          4. WG Decision Policy update (Maciej)
          5. Call For Consensus that close by Apr 1
          6. Call for Proposals/Counter Proposals that close by Thu Apr 1
          7. Items that close next week (by Thu Apr 8)
          8. New Calls for Proposals/Consensus this Week
          9. New Calls for Counter Proposals this Week
         10. New Issues This Week
         11. Scribe for next meeting
     * Summary of Action Items

<trackbot> Date: 01 April 2010

<scribe> scribe: rubys

<pimpbot> Title: {agenda} HTML WG telcon 2010-04-01: action items, 
decision policy update, issue status from Paul Cotton on 2010-03-30 
(public-html-wg-announce@w3.org from January to March 2010) (at 

<Julian> Zaki, who's on the phone?

<paulc> Is the scribe ready?

yes, go for it! :-)

<Julian> was that the markup police?

<paulc> Agenda 

<pimpbot> Title: {agenda} HTML WG telcon 2010-04-01: action items, 
decision policy update, issue status from Paul Cotton on 2010-03-30 
(public-html@w3.org from March 2010) (at lists.w3.org)
1. Issues Pending Review

paulc: none this week
2. ACTION items due by Thu Apr 1

paulc: chairs preprocessed the actions, so no are due today.
3. ACTION items pending review

paulc: action item 176 was on Sam, and is done, and the chairs are 
waiting for a response

close action-176

<trackbot> ACTION-176 Respond to the TAG request on polyglot documents 

adrian: I volunteered on list, and maciej has responded. I would like to 
see if there are others interested in volunteering.

<adrianba> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2010Apr/0015.html

<pimpbot> Title: RE: Request for Volunteers: Polyglot spec from Adrian 
Bateman on 2010-04-01 (public-html@w3.org from April 2010) (at lists.w3.org)

<adrianba> http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2010Apr/0017.html

<pimpbot> Title: Re: Request for Volunteers: Polyglot spec from Maciej 
Stachowiak on 2010-04-01 (public-html@w3.org from April 2010) (at 

paulc: are you looking for additional help, or determining if you need 
to coordinate

adrian: the latter, if we get multiple volunteers I would rather 
collaborate up front than merge later
4. WG Decision Policy update (Maciej)

mjs: I started on making some updates, starting with simple and 
relatively uncontroversial items.
... there are likely bigger changes coming up: watch for more changes, 
and comments are welcome at any time
... any questions?

paulc: the chairs will continue to talk about the harder issues, you 
will continue to edit the document, and when the time comes we will 
issue a call for consensus.
5. Call For Consensus that close by Apr 1

paulc: none close today
6. Call for Proposals/Counter Proposals that close by Thu Apr 1


<trackbot> ISSUE-4 -- HTML Versioning and DOCTYPEs -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/4

<pimpbot> Title: ISSUE-4 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org)


<trackbot> ISSUE-84 -- Should spec discourage use of "legacy" doctypes? 

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/84

<pimpbot> Title: ISSUE-84 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org)

paulc: both proposals and counter proposals are in place


<trackbot> ISSUE-81 -- Offline Web Applications section should use the 
term "representation" instead of "resource" -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/81

<pimpbot> Title: ISSUE-81 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org)

paulc: the TAG is late, and the chairs are negotiating a new date for 
this item (we are still expecting a proposal)


<trackbot> ISSUE-82 -- Suggested replacement for head/@profile does not 
provide for disambiguation -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/82

<pimpbot> Title: ISSUE-82 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org)

paulc: julian has requested a 3 week extension, and the chairs have not 
formally responded yet; we want to see progress on other issues before 
we answer


<trackbot> ISSUE-86 -- HTML5 relaxes Atom requirement on atom:id 
stability -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/86

<pimpbot> Title: ISSUE-86 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org)

paulc: julian has requested a 2 week extension, and the chairs will 
likely deal with this by the next chair call


<trackbot> ISSUE-89 -- Remove Section 4.12 Common Idioms without 
dedicated Elements -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/89

<pimpbot> Title: ISSUE-89 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org)


<trackbot> ISSUE-90 -- Tighten the focus and allowable content in the 
figure element -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/90

<pimpbot> Title: ISSUE-90 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org)


<trackbot> ISSUE-91 -- Re-focus and tighten definition of the aside 
element -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/91

<pimpbot> Title: ISSUE-91 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org)


<trackbot> ISSUE-92 -- Re-write the Table section to remove extraneous 
material, and provide cleaner description -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/92

<pimpbot> Title: ISSUE-92 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org)


<trackbot> ISSUE-93 -- Delete Details Element -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/93

<pimpbot> Title: ISSUE-93 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org)


<trackbot> ISSUE-94 -- Split Web Application Core and UA specific 
elements into separate spec -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/94

<pimpbot> Title: ISSUE-94 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org)


<trackbot> ISSUE-95 -- Remove/Discard the Hidden Attribute -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/95

<pimpbot> Title: ISSUE-95 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org)


<trackbot> ISSUE-96 -- Remove/Discard the Progress Element -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/96

<pimpbot> Title: ISSUE-96 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org)


<trackbot> ISSUE-97 -- Remove/Discard the Meter Element -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/97

<pimpbot> Title: ISSUE-97 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org)


<trackbot> ISSUE-100 -- Remove the srcdoc attribute from the HTML5 
specification -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/100

<pimpbot> Title: ISSUE-100 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org)

paulc: 15 calls for change proposals, and we received 12 out of 15. The 
chairs will continue negotiating.
... maciej has updated the issue-status page

<pimpbot> Title: Patial Change request proposal for Issue 74 Canvas 
accessibility from Richard Schwerdtfeger on 2010-03-18 
(public-html@w3.org from March 2010) (at lists.w3.org)

paulc: the A11y TF has reviewed these, and may prepare counter-proposals

<Zakim> MikeSmith, you wanted to note 
http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html/2010Mar/0435.html is a 
change proposal submitted for issue 74, and wondering where this one is 
at on

<pimpbot> Title: Patial Change request proposal for Issue 74 Canvas 
accessibility from Richard Schwerdtfeger on 2010-03-18 
(public-html@w3.org from March 2010) (at lists.w3.org)

<paulc> I brought this to Chairs attention during the A11y TF call

mike: Richard has prepared a partial change proposal which affects 74, 
and mike believes that this is ready for consideration

paulc: the co-chairs will take this up; we make make a call for counter 
proposals as there has been essentially no discussion
8. Items that close next week (by Thu Apr 8)


<trackbot> ISSUE-56 -- Bring "URLs" section/definition and IRI 
specification in alignment. -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/56

<pimpbot> Title: ISSUE-56 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org)


<trackbot> ISSUE-99 -- meta/@scheme missing -- RAISED

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/99

<pimpbot> Title: ISSUE-99 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org)


<trackbot> ISSUE-102 -- Registration procedure for meta/@name -- RAISED

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/102

<pimpbot> Title: ISSUE-102 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org)


<trackbot> ISSUE-104 -- Clarify that mime type sniffing is optional -- OPEN

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/104

<pimpbot> Title: ISSUE-104 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org)

paulc: all close on April 5th (Monday)
9. New Calls for Proposals/Consensus this Week

paulc: none
10. New Calls for Counter Proposals this Week

paulc: none
11. New Issues This Week

<mjs> issue-105?

<trackbot> ISSUE-105 -- allow image maps on the canvas element -- RAISED

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/105

<pimpbot> Title: ISSUE-105 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org)

<mjs> issue-106?

<trackbot> ISSUE-106 -- Return the concept of Obsolete but conforming 
back to using obsolete and deprecated -- RAISED

<trackbot> http://www.w3.org/html/wg/tracker/issues/106

<pimpbot> Title: ISSUE-106 - HTML Weekly Tracker (at www.w3.org)

paulc: two new issues, 105 and 106
... any other "escallations" pending?

mjs: there are a number of issues with TrackerRequest tag, some are not 
in the proper state; we will give the authors a chance to raise the 
issue if they access, or otherwise we will assist with this work

paulc: I note that 105 has an A11y aspect to it; Mike can you bring it 
to the attention of the A11y task force.

mike: Steven is the one that raised it, and I will follow up with 
Steven; he will need to be the one to take the lead
12. Scribe for next meeting

<plh> regrets for next week

mjs: I will chair next wee

paulc: I will scribe

<paulc> Any other business?

<paulc> Sam is concerned about muttiple WGs using the same MIME type?

<paulc> What is the other WG?

plh: xhtml2 is not fully closed yet, and we will let them do their updates
... they are working on the xhtml1.1 documents
... at the moment we would have two groups using the same mime type

paulc: did that answer the question as to what other working group is 
touching the mime type?

julian: yes, but it doesn't answer the question as to whether this 

plh: we will need to bring this to the coordination group
... it would send a strong message if the HTML5 working group were to 
state that they are the only one who should use the text/html MIME type

julian: the W3C owns the mime type; from an architectural point of view 
it doesn't matter unless the XHTML wg updates the mime type

paulc: is there actually a chair in place for the XHTML2 working group?

plh: yes

paulc: perhaps we can invite the co-chair to a telecon?

plh: I'm willing to take an action item to contact the chairs

paulc: that's the best way to deal with this

<scribe> ACTION: plh to contact the various chairs/co-chairs to resolve 
the use of the text/html mime type [recorded in 

<trackbot> Created ACTION-178 - Contact the various chairs/co-chairs to 
resolve the use of the text/html mime type [on Philippe Le Hégaret - due 

<Julian> - clarifying - a document with new info about text/html is 
irrelevant from a standards point of view unless the mime type 
registration is updated to point to it

paulc: does this deal with the agenda item?

rubys: yes

<paulc> Adjounred at :30 after the hour.

paulc: adjourned

Received on Thursday, 1 April 2010 16:36:38 UTC