Re: what is dt?

Lars Gunther On 09-09-18 18.41:

> 2009-09-18 17:01, Leif Halvard Silli skrev:
>> Lars Gunther On 09-09-18 16.21:
>>> Which means that all of a sudden dd can come before dt? That would be
>>> counter intuitive.
>> Yes, that is part of the current solution to figure in the draft. (And I
>> admit responsibility for having suggested it [1].)
>> [1]
> So just let me state that in my book we do not have a workable solution. 

I think you're right.


> <p caption>
> The predictable downside of that is of course that it requires rules 
> about what elements that could be used with such an attribute. (I 
> suggest p only!)

If you suggest <p> only, would you then also suggest another 
content model for <p> when used as caption?

Again, I miss that the proponents of <element caption> tells us 
whether it is allowed as first element only, or if it should 
allowed as last element, as well.

> Another downside is that the solution is crufty and perhaps will open a 
> Pandora's box of follow on suggestions about new attributes for many 
> more uses as well.

Ha ha. <dl figure > and <dl details > comes to mind.

> All in all, I think these downsides are a lot easier to overcome than 
> the ones associated with dt/dl.

dt/dl is simple. dt/dt/figure is worse :-)

I would also say that I don't think it holds water to only use 
<element caption> for <figure>. One would have to use it for 
<details> also. Or what do your students think? Else we get two 
ways of doing captions.

Another reason for not using <dt><dd> whether in <details> or 
<figure> is the fact that in IE6 and IE7, neither DD nor DT gets 
closed, if it is the last element of <figure>[1]. (<dialog> had 
the same problem.)

I'm sure that if we talk any more about the problems with <figure> 
and <details> now, then Ian closes the entire elements. ;-)

leif halvard silli

Received on Friday, 18 September 2009 18:41:50 UTC