Re: [Bug 7509] Consider <dl type="dialog"> instead of <dialog>

On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 11:40 PM, Toby Inkster <> wrote:
> I like this idea. The <dl> element has been used (and some would say abused)
> for quite a few different purposes. HTML5 creates a <dialog> element to
> split off one of those purposes, but I'd argue that marking up dialogues is
> not the only - probably not even the most important - use of <dl> that
> should be split off.
> In particular, I think key-value lists are an important case. e.g.
> <dl>
>        <dt>Name:</dt>
>        <dd>Toby Inkster</dd>
>        <dt>Date of birth:</dt>
>        <dd>1980-06-01</dd>
> </dl>

Yeah, but there's also the floating idea that the content model of
<dialog> could evolve later to allow "non-speech related information"
(see ).
This doesn't (a priori) concern key-value lists though, which could
therefore use a typed-<dl> instead of minting a new element.

Thomas Broyer

Received on Thursday, 10 September 2009 08:17:37 UTC