CfC: declare WebSockets out of scope

(CfC stands for Call for Consensus - expect to see more proposed  
resolutions of this form.)

At last week's telecon, while discussing ISSUE-64, it was proposed  
that we declare WebSocket (both API and protocol) out of scope for  
HTML5. Since the API and protocol have been in separate specs for some  
time, this would have no immediate material effect. However, it would  
prevent us from putting WebScoket back in the main HTML5 spec in the  
future, unless new information came to light which would allow us to  
reopen the decision.

Therefore, the following resolution is proposed:

  ** RESOLUTION: WebSocket is out of scope for HTML5. **

If you object to this resolution, please indicate your objection by  
Thursday, September 17, 2009. If you object, please give a reason. It  
doesn't have to be a very good reason, but it should be a reason that  
you believe in. If there are no objections by the stated date, this  
resolution will become a Working Group Decision by unanimous consent.

For the HTML WG Chairs,
Maciej Stachowiak

Received on Thursday, 10 September 2009 04:16:44 UTC