Re: tweaking meter [was: Re: <meter> and <progress> (was RE: Implementor feedback on new elements in HTML5)]

On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 9:38 AM, Jim Jewett<> wrote:
> Jonas Sicking wrote:
>> What i was wondering was if you had examples of
>> <meter>s other than the "X stars rating" example
> I think meter should be an appropriate element for things like
> "number of posts" or "member for X months".
> Under the current definition, these wouldn't be appropriate,
> as there is no *hard* maximum, but I think it would be reasonable
> to change the element to accommodate them.
> Er, well, unless it made styling an unsolvable problem.

That'd be the rub.  It doesn't seem to make sense to try and represent
these as a meter - there's no way to represent this visually.
(Exception: you can always define a mapping from [0,inf) to [0,100) or
similar, so an author *could* calculate this and then turn it into a
meter.  But then you have a hard maximum again, so there's no need to
change the element.)

> Should meter have the ability to define multiple category breaks,
> such as
>    val < 0.5 ==> star0
>    0.5 < val <1.5 ==> star1
>    ...
>   3.5 < val ==> star4
> and to style based on the category?



Received on Wednesday, 2 September 2009 15:20:04 UTC