Re: Splitting out sections and submitting bugs (canvas, Microdata, et al) Re: Proposal to publish HTML5 and vocab specs

Aryeh Gregor wrote:

> Of course, the HTML5 Editor's Drafts are also subject to approval by
> the whole group before they can become Working Drafts.  This (and more
> stringent requirements to reach LC and CR) seem like fairly effective
> checks on the power of the editor to me.  Certainly nothing will make
> it to CR without full discussion within the Working Group, unless it's
> so uncontroversial that no one challenges the editor's decision.  In
> that case, I don't really see a problem with the WG not weighing in on
> the issue, even if it's very substantive.

Also note, that in majority WGs editor's drafts are with restricted
access to members only -- this way public is not confused -- it simply
can't see "internal" drafts which can contain controversial, half-baked
ideas. Only working drafts which are endorsed by WG are made available
to public.

I'm not saying this is the best approach, but at least it provides more
time to discuss and agree on more controversial issues, especially in
cases where editor takes strong opinion in some of those controversial

For example, you would be surprised how big confusion was created by
rashly published microdata section in HTML5 spec. I was attending webdev
conference last week here in Czech Republic and many developers were
really confused. They simply haven't understood why HTML WG is proposing
third competing technology when there are already microformats and RDFa.

Enlightened web developer who try to track standards developments are in
99% not able to recognize between editor's and working group drafts (not
mentioning difference between WHATWG and W3C last call ;-).


  Jirka Kosek     e-mail:
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Received on Wednesday, 28 October 2009 20:35:44 UTC