Re: ARIA roles added to the a element should be conforming in HTML5.

Lars Gunther writes:

> 2009-11-08 03:41, Jonas Sicking skrev:
> > The harm that I see is loosing the ability to have a clear message
> > for what the right way to do things is.
> This was my fear as well when I tried to suggest a middle ground for
> this issue. Since it was a awhile I'll repeat myself.
> <a role="button"> should be forbidden when hard-coded onto the page
> for  these reasons:
> 1. It is sloppy markup. Conformant HTML should be the best possible.
> 2. It is possibly confusing if JavaScript is turned off, since it will
> not act as a button in that case.

What if it has CSS which makes it look like a button (even without


Received on Monday, 9 November 2009 20:12:21 UTC