Re: microdata use cases and Getting data out of poorly written Web pages

Ian Hickson wrote:
> On Mon, 11 May 2009, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
>> I think a fruitful exercise to apply to this proposal would be to 
>> determine wether microdata markup following this proposal could readily 
>> be extracted as RDF. RDF already has many concrete syntaxes; I gather 
>> that what RDF experts consider important is the underlying data model. 
>> Can data marked up as Ian suggests be extracted as RDF triples? It seems 
>> to me this is what is most important for those who wish to interoperate 
>> with an RDF toolchain.
> The proposed spec actually defines how to do this:
> ...and Philip implemented a demo of how this might work that you can test:
> (Scroll to the bottom to see the RDF output.)
Per Maciej's request for RDF experts to test the proposed microdata 
solution. I won't stake a claim to "expert", but I'm giving it a shot. I 
imagine others are, also.

I'm in the process of converting Philip's example into RDFa, so we can 
see how the triples compare. The going is slow, because when you write 
that @item is the same as @typeof, it really is not. The same as saying 
@id will serve as @about. At least, I'm not seeing it with the small 
examples, and Philip's generated triples.

It will help to see more use cases with demonstrations of using the 
proposed microdata solution. I know that's next on your agenda, ian.

And is there a way to apply Philip's RDF extractor against any page? We 
need more test cases extracting microdata into RDF triples. Ian Davis 
has made a demo page, converting his eRDF to the microdata format. I 
noticed he worked with you both (Ian and Philip) in the IRC 
( Do you 
perchance have RDF triples from his page? I would rather not extract the 
triples manually.





Received on Tuesday, 12 May 2009 05:51:42 UTC