Re: SVG in text/html

On Mon, 30 Mar 2009 19:46:38 +0200, Jeff Schiller <>  
> 1) What (if any) SVG specification will the HTML5 spec point to?  I'm
> assuming SVGF 1.1 for some obvious reasons.

How does this matter? (I'm guessing the same as you though until SVG 2.0  

> 2) Does there need to be relevant text in the HTML5 spec that covers
> what DOM interfaces foreign content nodes should or must have?  I
> believe at least one chair thinks it needs to be clarified [1].  I'm
> assuming that cooperating browsers will extend the SVGElement (and
> more specific) interfaces to all SVG-in-HTML elements.

"When the steps below require the UA to create an element for a token in a  
particular namespace, the UA must create a node implementing the interface  
appropriate for the element type corresponding to the tag name of the  
token in the given namespace (as given in the specification that defines  
that element, e.g. for an a  element in the HTML namespace, this  
specification defines it to be the HTMLAnchorElement interface), with the  
tag name being the name of that element, with the node being in the given  
namespace, and with the attributes on the node being those given in the  
given token." --

Although I think the next paragraph should be different:

"The interface appropriate for an element in the HTML namespace that is  
not defined in this specification is HTMLElement. The interface  
appropriate for an element in another namespace that is not defined by  
that namespace's specification is Element."

I would like that to be the default interface if there is one for forward  
compatibility. So e.g. <svg:x> would still implement SVGElement just like  
<html:x> implements HTMLElement.

> [1]

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Monday, 30 March 2009 18:57:59 UTC