Re: ISSUE-64: web-sockets-scope-req

On 3/26/09 8:10 PM, Michael(tm) Smith wrote:
> Rob Sayre<>, 2009-03-26 16:59 -0700:
>>   Something like Web Sockets is explicitly mentioned in the charter. I would
>>   like the issue updated to reflect this reality.
> Updated in what way? Do you mean the text of the description field
> should be changed? If so, do you have some proposed text?

Here's some text from the issue:

 >>> Web Sockets API: in scope?

The charter places it in scope. No need for a question.

 >>> requirement? coordination
 >>> Is this something the WG supports as a requirement for this 
release? Who is interested in contributing test materials for web sockets?

An obnoxiously literal reading could exclude this capability as a hard 
requirement, but such a reading would also preclude accepting a solution 
developed in the IETF.

I claim that the spirit of the charter assigns the HTML WG to develop a 
solution if an acceptable solution does not emerge from elsewhere in a 
timely fashion.

- Rob

Received on Friday, 27 March 2009 03:28:22 UTC