RE: Example canvas element use - accessibility concerns

Rob Sayre wrote:
> Mandating is not nudging. Recommending fallback content is a 'nudge'.

No, recommending is a hint, a suggestion, do it or don't do it: it needs to
have some weight behind it to become a nudge.

There needs to be consequences to not taking the suggestion.  Sadly, when it
comes to accessibility issues, the consequence of the 'thing' being not
accessible often is not an issue for the majority, so the stakes are
significantly higher.  It's a focused (and forceful) nudge: remember that
all we can *insist* upon is content, we cannot mandate that it be useful,
but we're at least half-way there.  For every image that has alt="picture"
there is also one that has alt="useful alt text" - all simply because we
(currently) *insist* that <img> contain @alt.


Received on Tuesday, 24 February 2009 02:10:33 UTC