Re: What's the problem? "Reuse of 1998 XHTML namespace is potentially misleading/wrong"

On Feb 12, 2009, at 10:30 , Julian Reschke wrote:
> The problem is that you do not always have context.
> For instance, XHTML elements can appear in many other XML documents,  
> re-using the document markup semantics. In this case, you frequently  
> have a single element, and no context at all.

That's a problem of the host language. Some elements need context and  
that's the end of their story. I don't think that <li> is broken  
because you don't know what type of list item it is without its  
container, or that svg:rect is broken because while it retains its  
semantics it cannot be rendered without a container to define its  

If a host language reuses from XHTML, then it's up to it to provide  
the necessary context for interpretation.

Robin Berjon -
     Feel like hiring me? Go to

Received on Thursday, 12 February 2009 10:20:14 UTC