Re: simple shorthand syntax proposal

Håkon Wium Lie wrote:
> I wrote:
>  >   <p.abstract>
>  >   <p#foo>
> Andrew Fedoniouk suggested the same in this message:
> I might even have read it at the time -- all credit to him.
Yeah, thanks.

"Credits we like" (c) Yoda, the Green.

I've implemented this way of parsing attributes since then. Works for us 
these two years and quite popular feature among developers.
Similar shortcut is desirable for the 'type' attribute also. Say <input 
!checkbox /> looks a bit less noisy than <input type="checkbox" />

And while we are on this page.

Sometimes it is desirable that input elements were parsed as block 
elements like <div>s. I invented <widget> element for
that. With the same set of attributes as the <input> plus its attribute 
'type' extended to accept values "textarea" and "select".

The <widget> has the same initial width:auto as e.g. <div> so this 
element takes available width of its container.
And as it is block element it does not require <br/> and other 
artificial separators- usually inputs are placed one by one.

And yet can we add to the list of button types [1] two more: "checkbox" 
and "radio"?

  <button type="checkbox"> its label</button>
  <button type="radio">its label</button>

Thus we do not need that ugly <label for>.

Andrew Fedoniouk.


Received on Friday, 6 February 2009 01:02:08 UTC