Re: responding to bugzilla: Do's and Don'ts

I promise I will soon stop with posting these do-don't admonitions
to the list, but I want to get at lest the following one in,
because it's a very important one:

  Please Don't post non-technical comments in bugzilla.

That means what it says. In particular:

  - Please don't post meta-comments in bugzilla about what proper
    use of bugzilla.

  - Please don't post "+1, I agree" comments unless they are at least
    followed by a "because..." clause that that says something the
    reporter of the issue or some other commenter hasn't already said.

"Michael(tm) Smith" <>, 2008-06-14 18:30 +0900:

> The following are some "Do's and Don'ts" around where to respond
> to new bugzilla issues for which notifications are posted here.

Received on Saturday, 14 June 2008 11:40:17 UTC