Re: Microsyntax parsing rules for numbers

Boris Zbarsky wrote:
> Simon Pieters wrote:
>> Mozilla checks if the next character is [a-fA-F] and if so, act as if 
>> the attribute was absent. It does this for maxlength, hspace, vspace, 
>> border, cols, rows, size, span, colspan, rowspan, cellpadding, 
>> cellspacing, topmargin, leftmargin, marginwidth, marginheight, 
>> scrollamount, scrolldelay, start, value.
>> For other attributes (e.g. width and height) IE and Mozilla match HTML5.
> Odd.  We do the same thing for width and height that we do for 
> everything else, as far as I can tell...
> So <input width="500f"> will look just like <input> in Mozilla 
> (certainly does over here).
> I do agree that treating a-fA-F garbage as special is a bit weird; it's 
> an artifact of using a general-purpose string-to-integer function which 
> treats this case as a hex number where a decimal one was expected and 
> returns an "unable to parse string" error.

Holy crap, we need to just purge that function from our codebase and 
write a real one. I've had way too many fights with it at this point :(

/ Jonas

Received on Thursday, 4 December 2008 20:22:55 UTC