Re: Validating XHTML5 with XML entities

Sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about.  I'm not at all
suggesting that XHTML5 be 'bent' to support WordPress.  I would also
like to mention that I am not affiliated with WordPress in any way,
I'm just a user.

The editor has already made it clear that HTML5 spec does not
constrain the required DOCTYPE or the "XML-level syntax" for XHTML5
serialization [1], and has opened a bug to clarify the spec with
regards to this [2] so I'm fine.

Jeff Schiller


On 8/27/08, Kornel Lesinski <> wrote:
> On Wed, 27 Aug 2008 14:14:51 +0100, Jeff Schiller <>
> wrote:
> > I can create a ticket and submit a 100-line patch to the WP project,
> > but I'm worried that getting this accepted by the WordPress
> > powers-that-be will be challenging, especially considering my last few
> > patches that languished for months (and those patches prevented Yellow
> > Screens of Death - the XHTML equivalent of a 'segfault').
> >
>  If WordPress was using XML serializer, there would be no such problems and
> entities wouldn't be an issue, but WordPress is designed to work in
> text/html mode and takes very poor, error-prone approach to generating
> markup.
>  HTML5 has text/html parsing mode exactly for interoperability with such
> software. It even allows XML-like syntax that WordPress uses, so all you
> have to change is DOCTYPE.
>  WordPress isn't really an XML generator and IMHO XHTML5 shouldn't be bent
> to support it.
>  --
>  regards, Kornel LesiƄski

Received on Wednesday, 27 August 2008 20:52:05 UTC