Re: Mandatory and Important

When answering a hypothetical question, changing the hypothesis 
rarely achieves the same results as actually answering the question...

At 21:58  +0100 22/08/08, Philip TAYLOR (Ret'd) wrote:
>Dave Singer wrote:
>>[Microsoft] word has no field for alt text of images.
>Not true : much as I hate Word, I fired it
>up, inserted an image, and a few right-clicks
>later found how to insert ALT text.

This may be true in some versions of word (not the one I checked) but 
it's not relevant.

At 0:15  +0300 23/08/08, Robert J Burns wrote:
>Even if Word didn't have a way to set the alt text on an image, 
>that's not really the concern of this WG. We're not the WordML WG. 
>We're the HTML WG. There are always going to be lesser formats that 
>authors will want to convert to HTML and authors will need to 
>supplement the data available from the source format with new values 
>that cannot be automatically generated.

The only person who survives on a desert island where there are cases 
of canned food but no an opener is the economist;  he assumes the can 

Here, you assume the existence of a magic secondary file, and avoid 
answering the question.

David Singer

Received on Monday, 25 August 2008 22:46:36 UTC