- From: Anne van Kesteren <annevk@opera.com>
- Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2008 22:49:23 +0200
- To: "Philip TAYLOR" <P.Taylor@rhul.ac.uk>
- Cc: "Boris Zbarsky" <bzbarsky@mit.edu>, "HTML WG" <public-html@w3.org>
On Mon, 25 Aug 2008 22:45:44 +0200, Philip TAYLOR <P.Taylor@rhul.ac.uk> wrote: > This is passing the buck. Scenario : the Principal > addresses the University and his address is recorded; > his aide asks the webmaster to put the video up > on the web. The webmaster looks at the video and > finds there are no closed-captions, no subtitles, > no accessibility features at all. What is he to > do ? Refuse to put it up. That would be a brave > webmaster indeed. No, instead he puts it up, > then relies on the intelligent design of HTML 5 > to allow him to add accessibility features to > overcome the deficiencies of the raw material. > And it is our responsibility to make sure that > he can do this. He could wrap it in SMIL or something. (As I understand things geweldig could be a SMIL resource.) -- Anne van Kesteren <http://annevankesteren.nl/> <http://www.opera.com/>
Received on Monday, 25 August 2008 20:50:10 UTC