Re: some reflections on @alt usage

It is difficult to see how you misinterpreted what Al said [1]:

Al Wrote:
"I do expect you to make edits scrupulously and reasonably swiftly following
the decisions of the HTML Working Group.  The Working Group chairs are the
authority as to what the group has decided.

Is that your understanding?"

To which you did not directy reply, but it would appear that now you
are saying that you do accept:

"The Working Group chairs are the authority as to what the group has decided."?

and that the WG having made a consensus decision, at the chairs
direction you will

"make edits scrupulously and reasonably swiftly following the
decisions of the HTML Working Group"?

Is this an accurate description?


On 22/08/2008, Ian Hickson <> wrote:
> On Fri, 22 Aug 2008, Steven Faulkner wrote:
>  > hello Ian,
>  >
>  > > You're missing the point. There is no "authority chain".
>  >
>  > The HTML5 specification is being developed within the W3C HTML WG, under
> > the Charter it states [that we have a vote for controversial things]
>  Al said "your authority chain". I assumed he was referring to my authority
>  chain, that is, the authorities I look to in editing the spec (of which
>  there are none, we use research, etc). The working group naturally has its
>  own processes beyond that, my edits are merely the first step along that
>  chain. I wasn't referring to that at all, and I doubt Al was, since the
>  topic at hand was his disagreeing with my editing decisions, not the
>  working group's final decisions.
>  --
> Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL
>       U+263A                /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
>  Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'

with regards

Steve Faulkner
Technical Director - TPG Europe
Director - Web Accessibility Tools Consortium |
Web Accessibility Toolbar -

Received on Friday, 22 August 2008 21:08:10 UTC