Re: meta content-language

Andrew Cunningham wrote:
> On Fri, August 22, 2008 2:50 pm, Felix Sasaki wrote:
>>> Good question. But most typical metadata (author, title, summary,...)
>>> isn't really actionable either.
>> There are organizations, e.g. digital libraries, who care a lot about
>> the creation of metadata in HTML, including author, title etc., and who
>> make it actionable for e.g. their search facilities. Compared to the
>> whole web this is a minority for sure, but I think such use cases should
>> be taken into account as well, since they could help moving the "chicken
>> and egg" problem of metadata content and metadata processing tools
>> moving forward.
> although Digital Libraries, DOMS, federated search, etc all use metdata
> extensively, they use much more thorough and exacting metadata standards.
> DC, OAI, OLAC, METS, MODS, and all sorts of other standards.
> Likewise, many government metadata standards are more comprehensive.
> So I doubt there would be much practical application of metadata vis-a-vis
> HTML5 except in terms of other metadata standards being embedded in HTML5.

Agree, I was thinking of esp. the scenario of embedded meta data. I 
think Henry did not separate in his question about "actionable 
metadata"  whether it is embedded or not.


Received on Friday, 22 August 2008 05:39:25 UTC