Re: meta content-language

Richard Ishida 2008-08-15 21.42:

>> From: Henri Sivonen []

>> What purpose does metadata serve if it isn't actionable?
> Metadata is actionable if some application is written to use it.  It is not
> actionable if the information is not available.

Regarding the question of "actionable": Ideally, authors should be 
able to add content-language information via the META tag, and 
then experience that the web server - and the Web browser - use 
this information to perform language negotiation.

Richard, you made many tests of how UAs react to language tagging: 
Perhaps it is possible to make test case for what web servers and 
browsers do with the content-langauage information with regard to 
content negotiation?
leif halvard sillli

Received on Saturday, 16 August 2008 00:50:08 UTC