Re: Images and alternative text

John C. Vernaleo 2008-08-07 22.09:

> On Thu, 7 Aug 2008, Ian Hickson wrote:
>> On Thu, 7 Aug 2008, Philip Taylor wrote:
>>>   <img src="..." alt="{x \over y} = {1 \over {y \over x}}">

     [ ... versus ... ]

>>   <img src="..." alt="The fraction x over y is equal to 1 divided by the
>>   fraction y over x.">
    [ ... ]

> At least the version that was close to the LaTeX code still contained 
> the relevant information in a way that is mostly parsable by a human.

For images used in headers, one would expect
<h1><img src=src alt="Header text"></h1>.

Why should we have lower expectations about coding practise when 
it comes to putting LaTeX source code into @alt?

HTML 4 takes into account that <blockquote> is misused for 
indenting text and says that User Agents therefore "should not 
insert quotation marks in the default style".

Likewise, perhaps the cowpath to put LaTeX code into @alt needs to 
be taken into account. But in the first place we must realise that 
putting source code into @alt and assuming people/User Agents 
figure it out by themselves, is wrong.
leif halvard silli

Received on Friday, 8 August 2008 14:54:25 UTC