alt image replacement and replacement style

Hi WG !

(don't know who wrote this, sorry)

> Actually it doesn't, really. The intent of the alt="" attribute is to
> provide text that can be used to completely replace the image, and
> thus there isn't necessarily a way to distinguish this:
>    <p><img src="x.png" alt="External image"></p>
> ...from this:
>    <p>External image</p>

I wish that, if the image has width and height specified : <p><img
src="x.png" alt="External image" width="X" height="Y"></p>, the
replacement would be <p><span style="width: Xpx; height: Ypx;
owerflow: auto;">External image</span></p>, plus a indication that
there is an missing image (a background image ?). The style indicated
in the CSS for images (mainly for display issues) should be applied.

The idea is to preseve the layout of the page if the image is missing.

Olivier G.

Received on Monday, 4 August 2008 21:15:44 UTC