rendering of control characters, was:: Supporting MathML and SVG in text/html, and related topics

>  except when free-form element (e.g. <mtext>) or  attribute value (?)
> contains a form feed or a vertical tab. I expect   
> the rendering behavior of form feeds and vertical tabs in <mtext> to  
> be undefined, which is bad.

Henri, could you clarify which characters you mean here.

By form feed I suppose you mean character 12, which can't occur in XML
1.0, it can occur as a character reference in XML 1.1, so I suppose the
mathml spec ought to say something about that (but doesn't currently)
HTML 5 appears to follow  XML 1.1 in  banning these control characters
as character data but allowing them as numeric character references if I

Probably, post XML 1.1, the MathML spec ought to say that the control
characters are normalised to a space (as white space characters are
already normalised) or that they are ignored completely. I'm not sure
which would be best, or whether it has to be decided on a
character-by-character basis.

What does html5  say should happen if you stick & # 1 2 ; into a span?

I think by vertical tab you mean character 11? in which case all the
above comments apply to that too.


Received on Friday, 11 April 2008 13:36:22 UTC