[ignore prev. message] [was: Re: role cardinality [was: Re: ARIA Proposal ]]

At 10:01 PM +0200 27 09 2007, Anne van Kesteren wrote:
>All definitions are linked. Although maybe a normative reference at 
>the end would be good.

Ah, I see.  My bad.

"unordered set of space-separated tokens"  is linked.   My myopia.  I 
was looking for
a link for 'HTML5'.


>On Thu, 27 Sep 2007 21:34:20 +0200, Al Gilman 
><Alfred.S.Gilman@IEEE.org> wrote:
>>>The reason the proposal says to only use the first value is 
>>>because it is unclear what browsers are to do with multiple values 
>>>at this point.
>>Place in DOM, for starters.
>The proposal doesn't limit that in any way. In fact, placing in the 
>DOM is done at the parsing level. This is done at the processing 
>level of the created nodes.
>>>>* forward reference to HTML5 for the definition of 'token' in the
>>>>list-of-tokens value for the role attribute is a problem.
>>Unnecessary ambiguity in the definition of the proposal.
>It's actually really accurate because of this, which is a good thing 
>for interoperability testing. I'm not sure what makes you say it's 
>ambigu. It also makes it a lot more consistent with the rest of the 
>HTML language.
>>Please give us a link to a definition.
>All definitions are linked. Although maybe a normative reference at 
>the end would be good.
>Anne van Kesteren

Received on Thursday, 27 September 2007 20:27:38 UTC