Re: keep conformance objective (detailed review of section 1. Introduction)

Geoffrey Sneddon (1 sept. 2007 - 08:18) :
> This makes it impossible to require semantic elements to be used  
> for their semantics. This would allow me to do something like  
> <h1>This is nice large text, which isn't a header</h1> in a  
> conformant HTML 5 document. We need to require things like this,  
> even if it is impossible to check these electronically.

Then the question nails down to "what is a h1?"
This question is interesting for any elements of the specification  
which are about "meaning".

I [asked a similar question][1] to the RDFa mailing list last week.

    What "element X" represents
    for this document  A
    available at the <> ?

I asked such a question because it is useful when you want to  
[implement][3] a [semantics extractor][2]. One of my plans is to  
rewrite the semantics extractor in Python, and make it possible to  
extract an RDF file of it, so you could compare it with other  
documents like docbook, xhtml 2, etc.

Also gives the possibility to create a quote extractor than can  
combine authors and references from different web pages.


Karl Dubost -
W3C Conformance Manager, QA Activity Lead
   QA Weblog -
      *** Be Strict To Be Cool ***

Received on Monday, 3 September 2007 03:26:07 UTC