Re: Terminology: "document"

Henri Sivonen wrote:
> (For the benefit of those who look up things piecemeal in the spec

Which is pretty much everyone, in my experience, especially with a spec this size.

> to whom it isn't clear that the spec looks everything through 
> DOM-colored glasses and who assume general English meaning of words,

Does the spec use a different term to refer to the Document object then?  Using 
a single word to mean two different things depending on the context (which is 
not always clear in this spec, in my experience) seems like a bad idea.

> Furthermore, HTML 5 uses "XML document" to mean a DOM tree with the 
> HTMLness flag set to false whereas the XML spec uses "XML document" to 
> mean an stream of bytes that satisfies a particular format.

This is less of a concern, in my opinion.  Though again, the question is how one 
talks about a Document object with the HTMLness flag set to false.


Received on Wednesday, 3 October 2007 14:54:56 UTC