Re: Getting started with issue tracking


I'm interested as well as migrating the issues out of the wiki and
into the Tracker. I think there is a general discontent in the WG with
using the wiki for issue tracking because it is difficult to track
discussions and figuring the status of an issue is unreliable... wikis
aren't really designed for that. On the hand Tracker isn't as
restrictive as other issue tracking engines, so I think it is ideally
suited to the nature of this working group.

Starting today, I'm going to be migrating pages from the wiki that can
actually made into issues. To be honest (and I don't mean to slight
all of the folks who have poured a lot of effort into the wiki) there
aren't that many pages that can be "copied" over as-is. Most of the
"issues" on the wiki read like background research or even position
papers... they start with one solution (instead of a problem) and it
colors the rest of the content on that page. Things have gotten a
little better in the last month and there's a lot of valuable content
to be mined from the wiki for particular issues... so I hope to tackle
that as best I can.

I have your linked emails set aside as guidance and some previous
notes from off-line discussions we've had about this topic. I hope
you'll give the Tracker a chance...


Received on Friday, 2 November 2007 20:01:24 UTC