Re: @role, @class, @id and copyright information

Olivier GENDRIN schrieb:
> I just realised that, if i wanted to indicate the copyright
> information of a page, i would probably use an id="copyright" instead
> of class="copyright" (or class="copy").
> It means that if we write into stone some @class value for semantic
> purpose, we should have the same list for the @id.

I always prefer using ids for unique elements, so I see your point. But 
I'm not sure if it's worth adding to the spec. Note that chaining 
wouldn't work (as in "html5 copyright"), but then again, I don't like 
that approach anyway.

> And has anyone stats about the use of class="blue" or class="title" ?
> What if it's more widely used than copyright ?

It isn't, see Ian's survey.
But even if it was, that wouldn't matter as the goal is to standardize 
semantically meaningful names.


Received on Wednesday, 16 May 2007 11:32:34 UTC