Re: Cleaning House

We disagree, but at least I now know how and why we disagree.
I have found some of this discussion quite enlightening.
I will now know better than you try to argue with you
about the remit of this group or the presentation/semantic
dividing line.

At 12:07 PM 5/6/2007 +0100, Philip & Le Khanh wrote:
>Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
>But the remit of this group is /not/ to define how extant
>HTML should be processed, but rather to define how the
>next iteration of HTML should be written (and processed).
>And in so doing, the group should be informed by the
>errors of the past.  The received wisdom at the time
>that the HTML 4.01 spec. was published was that the
>language should be primarily semantic rather than
>presentational : it is my belief (and that of some other
>members of this list) that the WHATWG failed to
>ascribe sufficient weight to that wisdom, and instead
>reverted to an earlier presentational paradigm, with
>its concomitant loss of precision and accessibility.
>Philip Taylor

Received on Sunday, 6 May 2007 16:50:38 UTC