Re: Cleaning House

On Sun, May 06, 2007 at 01:08:19PM +0100, James Graham wrote:

> "A question commonly asked of every lexicographer is "How do you choose 
> which words go into the Dictionary?"


> So they don't include everything but do include anything with 
> significant usage. It all seems rather sensible to me.

  Indeed it does. But the important point is that there exist a
  considered "protocol", if you will, for when and what to

  In the case of the WA1, things are included, or excluded, or
  changed without rhyme or reason and without basis in actual,
  real-life, examples or "proof"*.

  Add to it that markup languages /are/, by necessity, stricter
  than natural languages, and the linguistic philosophies in
  question does not apply.

  Without /apparent/ such, anyhow, since the WHATWG, oddly
  enough for a group that consist of browser vendors, appear
  not to read "wild" HTML ...
 - Tina Holmboe

Received on Sunday, 6 May 2007 12:18:05 UTC