Re: forms task force volunteers? (tasks survey)

Hi Dan,

You seem to have misquoted the vision document that you linked to.

On May 2, 2007, at 6:00 PM, Dan Connolly wrote:

> An architectural vision document released with the charters  
> elaborates:
>   The charter calls for two equivalent serializations to be developed,
>   corresponding to a single DOM (or infoset, though tag soup cannot be
>   considered to have an infoset currently, while it can have a
>   DOM). This ensures that decisions are not made which would not
>   preclude an XML serialization. It allows the two serializations to
>   be inter-converted automatically. Having new language features,
>   there is an incentive for content authors to use it; and having
>   client-side implementations means that there is the possibility to
>   really use it.

This text actually reads as below, I added brackets around the parts  
you seem to have misquoted:

"[Instead, t]he charter calls for two equivalent serializations to be  
developed[ by the HTML WG], corresponding to a single DOM (or  
infoset, though tag soup cannot be considered to have an infoset  
currently, while it can have a DOM). This ensures that decisions are  
not made which would preclude an XML serialization. It allows the two  
serializations to be inter-converted automatically. Having new  
language features, there is an incentive for content authors to use  
it; and having client-side implementations means that there is the  
possibility to really use it.

The phrase "by the HTML WG" which you omitted is especially notable.

>   --


Received on Thursday, 3 May 2007 21:26:10 UTC