Re: Rethinking HTML 5 (Was: Re: Semicolon after entities)

Quoting Anne van Kesteren <>:

> HTML5 gives you one better. It has in fact removed (obsoleted, if you
> wish) presentational markup.

I notice that <b> and <i> are still present, even though their use is  
discouraged. <small> has been redefined to mean "small print", though  
based on the examples and the note that small doesn't actually  
de-emphasise anything it makes me wonder if it's not still just an  
element whose primary concern is to make things appear  
smaller...presentational again.
Finally, <sub> and <sup> are still in, but only to mark up  
"typographical conventions"...which would also be presentational, in  
my book.

Patrick H. Lauke
re·dux (adj.): brought back; returned. used postpositively
[latin : re-, re- + dux, leader; see duke.] |
Co-lead, Web Standards Project (WaSP) Accessibility Task Force
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Received on Wednesday, 2 May 2007 14:20:45 UTC