Re: HTML forms, XForms, Web Forms - which and how much?

On May 1, 2007, at 8:30 AM, John Boyer wrote:

> Explain why this doesn't work for you:
> Axiom: Non-programmers will make more errors on programming tasks  
> than programmers

This assumes that making declarative representations is not a  
programming task. How likely is a non-programmer to create, say, an  
XSLT stylesheet that works correctly?

> Theorem: Declarative representations reduce bugs
> Proof: Spreadsheets. QED

Hmm. Is there any evidence that Excel spreadsheets have fewer bugs  
than, say, Visual Basic programs of similar complexity? I know of no  
such evidence. It is certainly possible for spreadsheet formulas to  
be buggy.


Received on Tuesday, 1 May 2007 19:00:58 UTC