Re: mixed signals on "Writing HTML documents", tutorial, etc.

Le 26 juin 2007 à 18:55, Lachlan Hunt a écrit :
> If you think it's easier to always use end tags, always quote  
> attribute values, etc., then teach that as good practice in HTML.   
> There is no need to use XHTML for that, especially it's just being  
> taught under HTML conditions.

except if you consider that people will evolve step by step.
(And I have taught html to xhtml from their first inceptions)

For what is worth, in xhtml2 it would be

	<html xmlns=""
	    <title>Minimal XHTML 2.0 Document</title>
	    <h>Minimal XHTML 2.0 Document</h>
	    <p>some text</p>

Karl Dubost -
W3C Conformance Manager, QA Activity Lead
   QA Weblog -
      *** Be Strict To Be Cool ***

Received on Tuesday, 26 June 2007 10:57:43 UTC